

oddities about moi :)

there are certain things my family knows i'm particular about. for example, when my sisters borrow clothes, they know not to wash them because i wash my clothes a certain way.

before flushing a toilet i have to put the lid down. if it's a public restroom with no lid, i am poised to run the minute i flush the toilet.

i think i was traumatized watching a video on germs and bacteria when i was younger. anyone remember seeing the videos in school where the spray from a sneeze or toilet flushing is shown?

advance to about 50 seconds into the video for a really
disgusting shock...now image that spray coming from
the toilet.

i also get paranoid that my brush will make my hair greasy. so i have three brushes, pink = clean, green = not quite clean but not quite dirty, and clear = post work out or in desperate need of a shower. as time goes by and the brushes get dirtier they'll move down in rank...yes i'm bizarre.


  1. Haha. I do the same with toilets. I often even open the door of the stall before flushing so I have a quicker get away. Have you noticed that all stalls, but the handicap ones, usually open inward? So you have to get closer to the scary 'woosh' before you can get away.

    The brush thing is a good idea, but where did you get it from? I never would have thought about my brush getting my hair greasy unless I'd spilled something on it...

  2. Haha when I saw the title I was DYING to know what tidbits you were sharing!!

    I knew the first thing about the clothes...and honestly I'm always grateful about that because I'm not as careful about my laundry and I would be so sad if I ruined or messed up something of yours--so that takes the pressure off.

    For some reason all of us kids have germ worries. For me there are clean things and dirty things. If clean things are set on the floor (like pillows) they need to be made clean. Dirty things (like shoes) never go on the bed. But I guess that's all common sense. I guess I am very particular about meat germs (raw).

  3. btw we all have head colds right now. And I can attest that a certain little man's sneezes look like that a regular speed.
