a friend of mine introduced me the website mylifeisaverage.com
essentially people submit little tidbits of their 'normal' days. here are some funny and recent submissions...because who can't use a good laugh yeah?:
Today, my brother and I were stuck in the backseat for a 5 hour car ride. The whole time it was raining. How did we pass the time? We bet on which rain drops would win in a race against eachother to the side. He owes me $3.75.
Today, at my school, someone wrote on the wall "skool sucks" Next to that another person wrote "So does your spelling."
Today, I found out that the first definition for 'awesome' on urbandictionary.com is: Something Americans use to describe everything. It is very true
This morning, I got a text from my dad saying "Are you up yet", to which I responded "No". He text me back saying "OK, ring me when you are"
i wish you could like on here.