


i've always loved daffodils. they are typically the first serious flower to venture out. i see the green shoots first and then get antsy for the flowers to appear. i also love that you'll be going along and then boom...you see a bunch of daffodils in someone's yard. i normally can't help exclaiming to whoever i'm with (or aloud to myself) 'look daffodils!!!!'

which is why i loved that at my last yoga workshop weekend while learning about prana yoga our instructor jennifer ellen used daffodils as an example. she talked about how sometimes you have to venture out or put yourself out there. move out of your comfort zone...much like the daffodils (as she said) pop out and scream 'it's spring!' you'll see the daffodils come out while snow is still appearing but they're above ground...excited, assertive and brave.

i could learn so much from these flowers :)

[best guess for pic source]

1 comment:

  1. that's a cool analogy. I've never heard it before.
    I've also heard flowers open early in the morning then protect themselves from the heat during the day. Sounds like flowers are part of the stan p family. (obs cancer hours.)
