

oh the awkward things in life


this is how i constantly felt about les bisous in france. which side do you go to first?! and if you both go to the same side...way way awkward.


  1. Heh heh this is awesome! And very true. Then you just do the never fail head nod.

  2. Totally hilarious.

    And what about when person a (me) goes for a hug while person b offers a handshake? Sad.

  3. PS Did you draw this? It looks like your handwriting. If so, good job!

  4. You know how I remember it? Go to the left so your right cheeks brush, the opposite of what we do when driving in the US. Rarely did they ever switch it up, unless you were my host dad who would grab my cheeks and just kiss on each side over and over... nasty wet kisses. haha

  5. oh man, les bisous! the lebanese have a bisous hierarchy: 1 for acquaintance, 2 for friends, 3 for family and close friends. so you have the which-side-first awkwardness AND the number awkwardness---what if they pull back after two when i'm going in for a third or vice versa?! ouch.
