apparently this video went around the internet la la land but i either saw it and forgot or definitely just appreciated the vid more this time around. as in really appreciate it. for any nervous nelly out's just a set of legs :)
and because i just can't help are outfits i like :)
i finally now wear a white skirt i got in paris(had to build up to it). i typically pair it with a darker shirt but maybe i should mix it up and wear something lighter?
i could totally sew sequins, in a stripe, on a white tee(hee)!
this i may do when i get home. i have a blue button up shirt, striped tee, blue cords or slacks or skirt. then just layer every silver necklace i own? maybe i'll cut back on that aspect. anyways...doable.
p.s. you can download the song clip for free. cool yeah?
adorable video. She's so happy and playful.