

happy things

*a blue blue sky, a green parking lot, a yellow taxi splashing through a puddle.  picture perfect.
*videos of my niece :)
*opening a new jar of crunchy peanut butter.
*national pizza month (stoneground, papa johns, the pie).
*left over pizza in the toaster oven.
*oreos with milk...so so good.
*eating lunch on a blanket in the grass with sun shining.
*fake glasses.
*finally the cd ejecting from the car stero (it may have been stuck and after a few days of bad radio and the same cd i got frustrated and hit the side of the stereo...out pops the cd! :)
*coat and scarf season.
*thinking about my whitney houston costume.
*a very inspired bishop.
*working with a best friend...so so awesome.
*'stake that bootie!'
*eating oatmeal on a cold morning (and no i'm not adding more oats mom :)
*getting better at folding paper cranes (at least 50 down)
*carrying a clutch.
*extra sharp cheddar cheese and wheat thins for lunch!

1 comment:

  1. What is a green parking lot?

    Your costume is going to be so cool!
