while teaching ana came and stopped me. i have what she called broken wing syndrome. i taught while keeping my wrist bent and awkwardly holding my hands together (i typically call this figeting). ana stated a vast amount of energy that could be coursing through my body was stuck in my 'broken wing'. she said to turn my palms out (so that i can better share and sense others energies) and to place my hands on to my students thereby sharing my energy.
we take time to open ourselves to other's emotions, spirits, energies in this class. we practice using our instincts. during someone's emotional break through we put our hands on them. we are working to become empaths.
it's interesting that our circumstances today reinforce shutting ourselves off from each other. we miss out on face to face interactions. we dull our senses through a constant barrage of media or distractions. we never take the time to just 'be'.
each morning three beats on a drum single a start to around 5 minutes of intentioned meditation. 5 minutes which frequently seems like forever. 5 minutes which changes the entire tone and course of my day...for the better :)