



solid smoke.

super cool.  this light weight metal can rest on top of a dandelion.  nicknamed solid smoke.


you can't see me.

while in chicago we brought a super yummy lunch to the beach and the kiddies played like crazy.  my cute niece of course ran off again and again.  she came back one time and had taken off her shoes and socks, it was really cold but she didn't care.  big boy nephew would hide in the tall grasses while his dad would count and then wait to be discovered.  most of the time though he'd get impatient and jump up to try and scare his dad.   


hide n seek.

awesome doesn't begin to describe my weekend with them :)



fuzzy or impressionistic.

one of my favorite cameras went foggy in mexico.  
i kind of love the pics though...she's so stinkin cute!!


and so ends pizza month.

last weekend we went to settebellos for pizza and dropped by capo gellateria for dessert.  our relationship with great food is incredibly satisfying.  just saying.

we capped off the month with pizza from dominos monday night.  and just giving you a heads up, dominos pizza crust is now really really amazing.  when did that happen?


nycole and i went to a little halloween soiree.  there was a pumpking carving contest between two teams.  we have strongly influenced what was carved...hello kitty and harry potter :)

i also may have dressed up a little crazy for one of the games.